Many suffer silently
In a manner olfactory.
Artificial chemicals
Categorised as irritants
Set off what’s called fragrance sensitivity.
Hi, my name is Calvin, I’m 31 and I’m fragrantly sensitive.
The aforementioned irritants
Are found in almost all scented stuff.
They make my throat itch and burn
My head hurt and turn
And usually give me a nasty cough.
Basically, as long as it’s natural
It’s part of my apparel,
And thankfully this far
Before a shower
No one’s had to suffer my man smell.
So sometimes even after you’ve perfumed or showered
And people sniff and move away from you
It’s not that you smell bad (ok, maybe sometimes you do)
It’s probably because they’re fragrantly sensitive too.
Ha ha, "my man smell" :D